Impulses of a Necrotic Heart: and Other Afflictions

I’ve got a new horror collection coming out! And it’s fully illustrated by yours truly.

Dive into the darkest depths of the human heart, into the places where we keep ghosts and grief, obsession and revenge, and monsters—both otherworldly and human.

The heart rots with every trauma, with every wrongdoing. And if we’re not careful, the necrosis invades. It has spread across these fifteen tales of horror, ranging from sci-fi to supernatural, psychological to body horror. None of which are for the faint of heart.

Follow a lonely astronomer with a heart condition as he navigates a world on the brink of apocalypse. Palpate the grief of a father, clinging to hope as he follows an apparition into the woods. Cringe as beasts crawl from the chest of a young girl, seeking vengeance on those who’ve wronged her. And check your pulse before jumping into these horrors of the heart.

The book releases September 29 and I’m so excited to share it with you all.

ARE YOU A BOOK REVIEWER? Reach out and ask about receiving an ARC. Contact Red.

PREORDER: Impulses will be available for preorder in both paperback and ebook. Some bookseller websites will be faster than other in getting the titles listed:


Barnes & Noble



Available with more booksellers soon

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